Case Studies

Case Studies


Heat Treatment

Modified capability of 1 of 4 lines to take volume of line 2, closed down line 3, to reduce cost and increase efficiency, renegotiated gas contract and got a new major contract and increased prices on a number of products.

Automotive Safety Products

ABC product and customer analysis, reduced range and inventory, implemented Sales basic ERP process significantly improving delivery performance. Established exclusive Dealer network for key customers and assisted in winning large export contract.

Precision Engineering

ABC product and cost analysis matched with machine capability and compared with competitor offerings provided basis for establishing very focussed business development plan and pricing strategy. Obtained significant grant assistance for capital equipment.

Poultry Production

Revised costing and pricing system along with improvements in production efficiency enabled improved profitability enabling the sale of the business.

Automotive Brakes

ABC product and Customer analysis enabled significant range and inventory reduction and then implemented Sales and Operations Planning and Forecasting process that was able to dramatically improve delivery performance on lower levels of inventory.


Improved output and cost efficiency of pallet lines and sourced new business for both at more profitable pricing.

Air Conditioning

Dramatically reduced cost base, got them ISO9001 accreditation enabling a broader number of sales opportunities and then assisted with the sale of the business.

Water Jet Digging

Developed new website and registered on a number of tender sites providing more enquiries along with developing sales acquisition strategy for direct selling.


ABC product costing analysis revealed many loss making products and significant variances on actual costs of jobs versus quoted costs of jobs. Implemented new costing system and identified specific range of products to focus on for sales, significantly improving profitability.

Fuel Tanks

An Automotive Plastics Manufacturer was only extracting $1m profit from $100m revenue. We figured their biggest problem was that they were manufacturing over 300 products. After a full review of strategy and product costing we resolved to exit all products except one. We relocated to a purpose built facility, secured new business around our one product and introduced performance management (efficiency) measures. The result : They achieved $8m profit on $40m revenue.

Truck Trailer Construction

Review revealed significant cost variations on jobs due to inefficiencies and inequitable allocation of fixed overheads which lead to new pricing policies. Further assistance was provided in sourcing potential acquirers for the business.

Communications Accreditation

Provided improved systems and processes to manage and price labour leading to improved profitability enabling the sale of the business.

Defence Contract Services

ABC Product (Service) costing provided input for a revised focus on what service categories should be sourced to optimise return per employee, systems to manage them and an entry strategy to provide services to other states.

Defence – Aerospace Engineering

Significant reduction in cost base and headcount, assisted in AS9100 Accreditation and obtained significant grant assistance for capital equipment.

Education Software

An innovative education software developer who had not recognised the opportunity existed to benefit from the Research and Development Tax Incentive scheme. Result : The team assisted in writing up all of the eligible projects that led to a significant R&D tax refund.


An IT Recruitment business with a turnover of $200m was experiencing only moderate returns of less than 5%. We shifted the company’s focus to make their top 10 clients their top priority. Prices were increased to encourage the drop off of high-maintenance, low return customers and we restructured their selling effort to increase revenue returns with existing clients. We also introduced performance management efficiency measures. The result : Business sold for $105m.